Homeward Bound - the Final Leg!!!

08.15am Wednesday 9 June 2021!  Anchor up and heading out - destination Auckland, 65nm to go of this epic adventure around New Zealand. Grey skies and drizzle, expecting lumpy seas but the wind conditions have settled down.  Champagne chilling in the fridge, Commodore will be at the dock to welcome us in. With fair winds we hope to be in around 6pm this evening.

Go MIMU, Team Bartley and crew!

(as an aside - we have loaded a short video clip on the Dolphins at Play blog - if you click on the title of the blog in your email, then the video will pop up)


  1. Well done team. Wish I could be there to welcome your home and wave a flag and all that jazz! Be safe on your last leg and enjoy every minute of it.
    Lots of love xxx


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