2,500nm later

 We did it!  Safely circumnavigated New Zealand in the good ship Mimu.  Left Auckland 19 March and arrived back in Auckland 9 June.  21 different crew members on board, new friendships formed.  We've had all kinds of weather conditions thrown at us, a new turbo, furler belt and maintenance along the way.  A few bruises but no real injuries.  We started the journey smiling and we have finished in great spirits. Mimu kept us safe, we had a great Skipper and Commodore kept us well organised with awesome teamwork from the ever changing crew.  Next trip Fiji!!

Crossing our start line.

We did it!!

Coming into Orakei Marina.

A celebratory dinner ashore - home to Taupo tomorrow.
So that's the end of the blog, for now at least!  Thank you for following, the blog has been a fun way to share our adventures x


  1. Woohooooooo!!!!! ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฅ‚๐Ÿ’—Welcome Home Mimu Pirates ๐Ÿด‍☠️ !!!!!! What an amazing adventure!!!!!

  2. Welcome home Jean. Congratulations on your amazing accomplishment. It looks like Skipper Bruce was prepared for celebrating in style!


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