Opotiki Bay, D'Urville Island

 The weather worsened and we decided to put out a second 40kg anchor. Although the water looks calm, the wind was gusting, low visibility, swell ... the pics just don't do justice to the conditions.

The wind funnelled down the hill in front of us and whipped spray off the water.  Gusts over 28kts made it all the more difficult to get the anchor off the dinghy in the right place.  It took two attempts to get it to 'dig in'.


We had the second anchor out for most of the afternoon then made the executive decision to bring it in so that we could have a quick getaway with a favourable weather window in the morning.  What a mission!  Even with brawny Farmer Cam's brute strength, the anchor was lodged securely and did not want to budge.  With the light rapidly disappearing, we brought up the main anchor and endeavored to lift the second anchor.  Commodore on the helm, bow thrusters working overtime, we secured a halyard to the anchor chain and winched the anchor free.  The wind was blowing a hooley and we moved around to Kupe Bay for the night.  Dinghy stowed on deck, dinner and a good night's rest!


  1. It looks like Cam is settling in well :). I'm glad you guys are all taking care and supporting each other. xx


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