Happy Mermaid's (Mother's) Day

 Great sail across Tasman Bay, genoa and engine assist, 1-2m swells, 5 knots southerly.

Navigated into our anchorage in the dark, anchor down at 18.45pm in Opotiki Bay, D'Urville Island.  Darkness all around apart from the lights of what we presumed to be a couple of farm houses on the island.

Had a hideous night's sleep - squally gusts and swells, rain ... we were all up at different times checking the anchor and conditions.

Most husband's treat their wives to flowers or maybe dinner out to celebrate Mother's Day ... in our case the skipper and Cam (a borrowed husband) laid on an amazing treat of 4-5 orca whales circling us in the bay.  It was an incredibly special sight!  Also a little bit scary when 2 orca's went under the boat.

In the mist and rain went for a bit of a tiki tour with Farmer Cam.

Mimu all alone in the mist and gloom.


  1. Happy Mermaid's Day! I love that you guys kept the name, and it sounds like the menfolk did a great job. The orca's may have gotten too into it :0!!!

  2. My goodness that’s just incredible x


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