Failure one, then failure two

 Decided to carry on to Port Jackson before making the decision of whether to continue on to Wellington or head to Picton for engine repairs. Full sail, engine off, wind NW15 knots heading east, 1-2m swells.

Rising wind behind us, perfect conditions for goose wing sailing

Autohelm off and hand steering under goose wing.  Tricky conditions with light winds, swell and engine on.  The last thing we need is an accidental gybe!

Congratulations in order as we cross our original track down from the North Island.

And then ... on bringing in the genoa in light winds, the furler just stopped furling!  Nothing was stuck or caught, everything looked in order ... Skipper managed to hand wind the last of the sail but it left us with a baggy sail up front and the decision was made to head through the Queen Charlotte Sounds to Picton for repair.  This means we have lost our weather window and may now be delayed by a few days but safety is paramount.


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