Back in Picton for repairs


The right decision made to change course and head into Picton for repairs.

Maui dolphins accompanied us into Picton Harbour.

Heading to Picton with the BlueBridge behind us. Marina berth booked.

Repairs, rest and recover.

Mermaids looking a bit weather worn and tired!... and slightly squiffy by this stage.

A great dinner out! 

Making the most of our change of plans.

Have mechanic coming tomorrow, a trip to Burnsco planned, maybe the hairdresser, movies.  Will be here for next few days sorting out repairs, a boat haul, plus we are handicapped by the weather forecast.  Plan is to head straight to Napier once we have a clear weather window.  Alan joining us tomorrow to make a crew of 5 heading north.


  1. Gosh! Those dolphins are fearless :D. I've got my fingers crossed for speedy repairs xx

  2. What a great way to spend your night off. You don’t look weatherworn you look like adventurers!!!

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