Cascade Cove to Beach Harbour, Breaksea Sound

Weather forecast blowing NW, wind outside blowing 45knots westerly and an easterly blowing in our anchorage. Made the decision to motor through Cooks Passage, past 2 Sisters, into Bowen Passage and then into Breaksea Sound.  More rain, grey, cold.  Snow on the peaks.  Passed Stick Cove - no good memories of that place!

Tied up in perfect conditions to a huge mooring buoy.

Clare and I were dropped off at the shoreline to explore.  Stunning!  Clambered along the rocks until we reached the beach.  Loads of hideous long jellyfish washed up on the tide.  Found remnants of other people.  A small wooden hut covered in 3inch thick lichen, huge rimu and rata trees.  Stunning colours of green.

Washed up on the beach - really unusual type of jellyfish we think. Floating all around these waters.

Thank goodness we were still wearing our life jackets - needed on our bush walk!

Arrived back to Mimu decorated for Simon’s birthday.  Had a fun night.

It's party time!


  1. The bush is beautiful, but those jellyfish might give me nightmares! Bleurgh!


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