Akaroa to Port Chalmers

 7.35am anchors away, blue skies and sunshine but as we motored out to the entrance of Akaroa Harbour we could see a band of dreaded sea fog approaching.

 An overnight sail of 158 nm to Port Chalmers.

The fog drifted in and out all day, one moment brilliant blue sunshine, the next grey, damp air surrounded us.

Very light northerly breeze, genoa up and motoring. Calm seas, easy conditions for us.

Plenty of albatross about. So ungainly trying to take off.

The boys had no joy fishing but we did have pods of dolphin swimming with us for a while. Big chunks of kelp floating in the sea - need to watch we don't catch it in the propeller.

Spot the dolphin! 

5.30pm bloody miserable conditions! Fog like pea soup. Grey. Damp. Cold. Zero visibility.  It's going to be a long night. Expected dawn arrival in Port Chalmers.


  1. Wow the dolphins are so close :) xx

  2. Wonderful dolphin escort through the fog. 🥰

  3. I found the dolphin! That picture of the fog over the sea is stunning. Your photography is getting really good Jean <3.


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