SV R Tucker Thompson


It was all hands on deck (no winches) to hoist the sails, a really strenuous workout with three pulling on the throat of the sail and three on the peak.  The full sail complement is 9 sails in total.  Talk about muscle building!

It was so much fun, real teamwork and great communication required.

Mimu nearly lost me .... I really loved this old fashioned, romantic way of sailing.  We visited Russell, Pahia and finished in Opua which was the end of the 3 day sail for the guests on board.

So many great experiences ...

Holding onto the monkey's fist and swinging out into the crystal clear waters.

It was quite a height from up there!

A whole new experience for me ... I repeated it 3 times!

You can't sail a tall ship without climbing up the ratlines.

The views were superb ... just don't look down!

Harnessed in so totally safe but man were those rope ladders hard on the soles of your feet!  Really need to toughen up!


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