Blue water prep

 A good night's sleep for all in Mangonui, with just a gentle rocking on the water.  Woke to drizzle so a lazy start to the day.  Preparation is the order of the day as we leave tonight around 8pm for our big sail Mangonui down to Picton 500nm, 928 kms, approx 4 days of non stop sailing.  Laundry to be picked up, last supplies purchased, dinghy stashed onboard, stowing of any UFO's etc.

Commodore cooking up a storm.  The less we have to do in the galley, the easier it is on the crew.

What would we do without our Commodore looking after us!!

A double check of the safety gear.  PFD's and tethers for all 5 of us.

Essentials at the ready for the night watch.

Lee cloths at the ready.

The plan is to head off tonight around 8pm, heavy rain is forecasted so we all have our winter woollies and foul weather gear at the ready.  45nm to North Cape, another 20nm to Cape Reinga which we hope to be able to see at dawn, all going well Auckland the following dawn, Taranaki on our third dawn, and Picton Thursday morning.  Fingers crossed, that's our plan.

We may/may not be posting on the blog, this will be very much dependent on the seas, the conditions and how stoic we are feeling!  


  1. Looking forward to next leg

  2. Goodness me. I took me WAY longer than it should have to work out what PFD meant. Embarrassing!!
    Please be safe all of you and hopefully the nasty weather will give way to a few more beautiful days before Winter sets in :) xxx


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