Beers, bubbles, boys plus home brewed gin

 After a night on anchor we motored into Opua this morning and have spent today alongside the dock, preparing the boat for the next stage of our adventure.  Three new crew have arrived; Don from Taupo and Graeme and Alan from Mangonui.  The plan is for Graeme to get off once we get to Mangonui and for Don and Alan to sail down the west coast to Picton.  This gives Mimu a crew of 5 in total for the big sail. 

Getting into serious sailing now - the red line is a continuous line running from the cockpit to the bow, both port and starboard.  This is our safety lifeline to clip onto.

The Mimu safety rule is for crew on the night watch to be wearing  PFD's and attached by tether to the safety line.  

We now have a fourth reef in the main ready for ... severe, extreme, hideous, gale force winds. 

A shocking forecast for next week!  At this point we will wait and see.  No point heading out into bad weather.  It's hard on the boat, the gear and the crew.

I've moved into the forepeak, am toasty as!  But the cabin will be too uncomfortable once we are at sea so will abandon my bunk for a single with a lee cloth more midship and return once we are back on anchor.

Sleeping in the forepeak while sailing is the equivalent to riding an out of control roller coaster on steroids leaving you feeling tossed, turned and totally wrung out. 


  1. Wow, I'm so impressed that you are actually enjoying all that Jean, it is stuff of nightmares for me!! You take care and keep up the blogging. I'm loving waking each morning to the next chapter 😍

  2. We are having a great time and absolutely thrilled to hear you look forward to your daily chapter! We have a very safety conscious Skipper and well found boat so we are in good, capable hands! But yes, the sailing keeps you on your toes and is certainly not everyone's cup of tea.

  3. Your little bedroom looks lovely :)
    I’m glad you have the “Red Line of Life Saving” leaves you a free hand to nibble the night time treats :) xx
    Ps I’d be keen to sample this home brewed Gin :)


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