A rough day sail to Mangonui

 We had a rough night at anchor with squally gusts of wind coming in causing the boat to jerk, strain and shudder on the anchor.

A wee navigational tutorial - 

"Don, do you need to visit Specsavers?"

Left at 10.40am in drizzle and squally conditions.  First time the crew all wore foul weather gear.  Pretty rough conditions leaving Whangaroa Harbour with rolling swell, white caps and strong wind gusts.  Gusts 26-28 knots = Force 6 on Beaufort Scale (large waves, extensive whitecaps)

We all had on our PFD's today.

Skipper doing what Skipper does best!

Top speed today 9.2 knots, wind gusting 30 knots under reefed staysail going into Mangonui.  3 hours of blustery but exciting sailing!  A delicious lunch on anchor, bit of a nana nap this afternoon and out to the local Thai restaurant tonight.  Mangonui is home for Graeme and Alan so they have kindly taken all our laundry, Raewyn has organised premade meals to be picked up tomorrow and we are looking at an 8pm departure Sunday night for our big trip around the top and down the west coast to Picton.


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